This Wednesday December 5th marks the date of Senior Project Design Review presentations.  The team will be presenting in Armstrong Hall room 154 at 12:25pm. Come support all the senior projects, presentations begin at 8:00am.
We would like to thank Interlux for their continued support of the TCNJ solar boat teams and for providing us with epoxy resin, hardener, and paint!

We would like to say thank you to the people at SolidWorks and Dassault Systems for providing us with educational copies of their software to design and assemble the many components of our project.

Later this week the team will be testing scale models of the boat in our schools flume. This will provide flow visualization, and drag data to compare to computer analysis found during the hull design process. Scale models  were created using the 5-axis cnc machine located in our shop with the help of machinist Joe Zanetti. Material selection is coming to a close and final budgets will be proposed to obtain funding for our design.

Edit (11/16/12):
initial flume testing proved inconclusive thus far due to apparatus limitations. The linear slide being used proved to have too high of a friction coefficient, there was also an issue with achieving the proper scale model water velocity. These issues are being corrected by using a new linear bearing that has been provided by Mechanical Engineering chair Prof. Sepahpour, and water velocity will be increased by modifying the flumes test section. A new testing date is tentatively set for Tuesday November 20th.

So far this year we have had a lot of time to research and design and have begun to solidify our designs. It has been decided for the drive train that Kyle and Thomas will be working closely with one another to develop a compound drive train.  Brian is working diligently to develop and analyze a radical new design that will likely change the competition if proven successful. Manthan has been working on manipulating matlab programing to design and analyze custom propellers. Tyler has developed schematics for the electrical system and developing a telemetry  scheme that will provide critical data for testing.